- Junior or Constitutional and Government Law
- Constitution and the system of International Law is the [?] of the act [?]
- What is the definition of the science of Gov.
- “” a state
- “” is to be understood by the sovereign of a state and where does it reside in the U.S.
- Instances of Rhode Island (?)
- What is a government and has the sovereignty been conferred on Gov. in U.S.
- Is the sovereignty of a state divisible, Mr. Madison’s view, not good (?)
- Is there a necessity for a state? Is there any law in our nation which compels making us enter into [?]
- What is Fourier’s doctrine? What of slavery as safeguard to the poor against Capital. (?)
- What of the necessity for Gov.? Is Gov. Universal?
- What is said of moral obligation to obey its laws? When may they be revisited?
- How does he meet the abolition doctrine of higher law?
- Have we any Absolute Rights? Instance—
- Is society the source of our rights is not what has to do with them?
- Test of individual rights?
- Has the right of Gov. to res. Private property—ever been denied?
- What is the basis of every good Gov.
- What do people owe to every good government.
- How is Slavery to be considered? How could we meet a northerner on this subject by comparison? How meet a Britisher?
- How were the old Articles of confed. to be attend? How many houses of leg. Had they?
- By what clause did our present [?] give more power to Congress?
- Could man have ever lived in a state of nature?
- Have all Gov. equal rights over individuals?
- In case of Rev. which Gov. do the Foreign States require the old or new? Which may the people recognize in case of our petition?
- Rural (?) origin of Gov? Whence gov. devises authority
- Legitimacy or the divine right of kings? Is it the giver of authority of God? Did this theory gain any credit in late times? What was it [?] How [?]
- Does Gov. devise authority from Implied contract bet. Prof. and sov.?
- What objection is there to this theory?
- Prescription: Does Gov. devise its authority from long peaceable possession?
- What three objections are there to this?
- By the Const. proper, how was President elected? Amendment 12
- That was the designed of the frames of the Const. he making the Electoral College
- In what form must anything be before it can [?] up before the Supreme Court
- What is the [?]
- It will of mere numerical maj. Suffice to give valid to gov? Note the Div. when is [?] and when not for [?] rule? Instances? What said is praise of maj? Is there an abstract ideal Gov.? Which is best? Upon what does the legitimacy of gov. depend? What is the best of the validity of ov.? When should Rev. be undertaken? Lord [?] views? What is our theory? What of Mitchell? Can there be cause to [?] the U.S.? In England. What is effect of Rev. [?] instance.
- The powers & functions of a Gov.
- How is power circumscribed? Is sov. Absolute? In society?